Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sprite knitting

I was given a large bag of wool including this lovely bright pink. Miss O cannot be trusted to wear anything she doesn't like the look of so I decided to use some of the pink wool on a project for miss E. I found a pattern on for a sleeveless tunic called Sprite. Honeycomb pattern in the top and numerous cables down the skirt meant it took weeks, but turned out great!

Girly dresses

With miss O to be starting daycare soon I knew she needed some more clothes, especially dresses. I took her to spotlight and on the bargain table she picked out two matching fabrics with flowers. One had small flowers and the other had large flowers. With a pattern I drafted off a lovely white dress that she loved to wear, I made two dresses from 2 meters of fabric.

Katniss Tunics

I knitted a tunic for each of my girls. Each one took me weeks to complete as I only like to knit at night. Worth it though, they turned out great (even if miss O has only worn hers twice).